Pranking Fraternity Men
In the past 5 days, Alpha Omicron Pi has been pranked by three different fraternities. On Tuesday night some men got up on our sundeck and came in through windows on the third floor and proceeded to steal underware from multiple women. They were nice though and put each girls underware in her own seperate bag, and then delivered them to the house the next afternoon. On Wednesday night another fraternity decided to have a garage sale on our lawn. They displayed garage sale signs and for sale signs in our front yard. Then they put out 3 couches, 2 sofa's, some nasty carpet, a chair, and a washer all around our lawn! Real cute boys! I think they went to the dump to find these items because they were so old and gross and disgusting! Then Saturday night another fraternity only targeted my room (this was payback for a previous prank against two of their members' cars.) My roomate came home to find 3 cans of axe sprayed in our room......and piles of seafood and dead fish parts scattered in various locations throughout our room! We were still finding some of them this afternoon! And even though our window has been opened the whole day it still smells like Axe.....which I guess is better than dead fish! P.S. It is soooo hard to get the dead fish smell out of stuff! There was also a live fish in my waterbottle and some in our bathroom sinks as well! That was just mean....but I laughed anyways. And the boys were so proud of what they had done they didn't even try to hide it! Just watch out boys......