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So, this game was brought to ycc my first summer here in 2001. We have cleverly named it 'pain pong'. The 2 players ping pong to 11 points. At that point, the winner gets to hit the ball as hard as they can at the loser's stomach. They get a number of shots based on how many points they won by. As you can see...if you lose by a lot and your opponent has a good shot, it can be pretty painfull! The person being shot at must cover their face so they don't know when a shot is coming.
this is dave...he's a trooper
This is Genie on her birthday. Because it was her birthday, she decided that she needed to dress for every type of weather imaginable. As you can see, she is clearly dressed for hot, cold, rain, and even wet grass!
What? Who borrows cameras? It's kind of incriminating evidence...but always really funny!
Last but not least....WE WENT TO THE RODEO!!! (on the 4th of July) This is me, the directors, and the crew leaders that had the week off.
I love my job!
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